Sunday, June 18, 2006

No Deja vu....please!

My last nervous breakdown was in February of 2002. I was on vacation in Las Vegas. I love to gamble, and I was visiting people that I really love.
Go figure. There's always a convenient reason if you look hard enough. My mother had died 14 months earlier. My medication had been changed. The planets weren't aligned properly. You just never know. What I do know is that I dread having another episode. I'm going to Las Vegas in two weeks. It's for the wedding of someone I love. A wonderful occasion. I will be around people that mean so much to me. The location and/or the people, of course, had nothing to do with my meltdown. It was whatever was inside my head. I'm just scared because I'm returning to the scene of my demise. The trick is not to sabotage myself. I wish it were that easy. I'm sure my fellow anxiety sufferers understand my dilemma.