Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Brief Summary of 2008

It was an eventful year. I came close to having a breakdown, but got somewhat better. I still walk the tightrope, as always. Healthwise, my Lyme disease is under control. My gallbladder was removed last June. My loved ones are all holding steady, including my disagreeable, elderly dog. I'm still fat and have no taste in clothing. My sense of humor is intact (very important). I still want to make money online, but have not started anything new. Anyhow, Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2009 brings better times for all of us!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Gots a New Attitude

Today is the day. Today, December 14th 2008 is my day of change. I will not take on everyone else's problems. I am not them! It's not my fault if they don't get along. It's on them. So there!!
Take that....and that....and that too. Hey....who wrote that? Surely not me. Not this wimp. Well, we'll see, won't we? Or not.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Hurt, hurt, and more hurt

I live through others. I feel through others. Make no mistake, it is torture. Empathy can be a good quality, feeling trapped in others' feelings is hellish. I know that it's part of my illness, this low/no self esteem thing that I have. I feel that I am responsible for every one's happiness. I don't want to be the "bad one". I feel that it's all my fault if they don't get along. The pain is sometimes unbearable. Then I get furious at the ones doing the hurting. I mean, how could they? Don't they see that we're all suffering in some way? Don't they know how important it is for us to comfort each other? We are all delicate. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and tolerate each other's short comings.