Monday, December 27, 2004

General Failure

Funny Steven Wright quote: "Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my hard drive?" Having computer problems lately. Maybe faulty ram...who knows. Christmas came and profound am I. Just wanted to add a new post to keep my nonsensical ramblings up to date. Some things are important ya know !! Had a bit of a rough morning..mentally. It's already a given that I'm on the edge of madness. This morning, I believe I dipped my left foot into madness lake. I was getting coffee at the convenience store and my mind was a little racier than usual. I had that familiar fearful feeling that panic-attackees often have. Quite unpleasant I might add. Perhaps it was the 75 pounds of Christmas cookies I ate over the weekend? Anyhow, the fear subsided into the usual mild dread. So life is mediocre once again. Well, I hope my reader and non-readers are having a wonderful holiday season. I'll write again soon.

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