Monday, February 06, 2006

Almost Near Death

I'm really just posting to keep up with my own ramblings. That probably didn't make much sense. Oh well..... . I just had another birthday. Closer to the end. That wasn't meant to be depressing. Just a fact. The end could possibly be a beginning. I've been reading some stuff about near death experiences etc. I really think there's an afterlife. I have to think that. I also have to think that it's very pleasant in the spirit world. I don't believe in any of the traditional religious stuff. I just think you have to do your best in this world and learn from your mistakes. That's it. Best wishes to everyone in the blogosphere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... me at's me, Beth) i have a blog now too. i can now go on the internet and publish "vy Vy VY am i so kerrrrrseed!!!" come on me, please?