Monday, December 27, 2004

General Failure

Funny Steven Wright quote: "Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my hard drive?" Having computer problems lately. Maybe faulty ram...who knows. Christmas came and profound am I. Just wanted to add a new post to keep my nonsensical ramblings up to date. Some things are important ya know !! Had a bit of a rough morning..mentally. It's already a given that I'm on the edge of madness. This morning, I believe I dipped my left foot into madness lake. I was getting coffee at the convenience store and my mind was a little racier than usual. I had that familiar fearful feeling that panic-attackees often have. Quite unpleasant I might add. Perhaps it was the 75 pounds of Christmas cookies I ate over the weekend? Anyhow, the fear subsided into the usual mild dread. So life is mediocre once again. Well, I hope my reader and non-readers are having a wonderful holiday season. I'll write again soon.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Insane?? or not!!!

My mother told me many stories when I was a child. No, not your usual mother goose stuff. Not Halloweenish scary stories either. I mean stories of other peoples’ misfortunes. Whether it was a terminal illness, a crippling injury, or some kind of mental torment. All the stories had the same theme- “Life is Misery.” Not really something a five year old needs to know. I don’t know if I was five, six, or ten. I just know that I was very young. One of the stories that I think of from time to time was the one about the friend that “lost her mind.” This woman apparently demonstrated her insanity by sitting home and sewing orange peels together. It doesn’t matter whether or not the story was true. The point was, it was very frightening that a person might be so tortured mentally that sewing orange peels together would seem like a perfectly good idea. I don’t remember the rest of the story. I got stuck on the image of this woman with her needle, thread, and basket of orange peels. That was enough for me. I would imagine they took her away. That’s what they seemed to do in the ‘50s. For many years, this definition of crazy would serve as my measuring stick. Whenever the familiar loss of control feeling would surface, I would think of the orange peel story. As crazy as I felt, at least I didn’t sit mindlessly stitching the peels together. What a relief !! Well, let me say this….about fifty years have gone by since those days and the orange peels are looking more and more like a potential sweater!
I have made it this far with my particular brand of craziness. There have been hospital stays etc. All and all I’ve weathered things pretty well. The sense of humor is a blessing. Then again, there is always a level of emotional torment. Medication keeps it under control, but life situations cause flare-ups. I’ve changed what I can to survive, but old feelings hang on. I’m still that vulnerable kid in so many ways. Everything is a chemical imbalance these days. The orange peel lady would have been given some good meds. She would have probably seen the error of her ways and would only have dreamed about oranges. Do you know what I think? I think those orange peels stopped the madness in the woman’s life. The insanity was what was happening to her before the orange peel incident. This is what happens when life is too much to bear. Sometimes you just need to rest your mind. I think it’s time for a produce run.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Others

I have great difficulty with the "others". The others I'm referring to are just about everyone else on the planet. Much of the difficulty stems from my own feelings of inadequacy. Yeah, I've read some self-help stuff, heard all of the overused cliches etc. I've worked hard over the past twenty years or so just to keep myself afloat. Yet...the roadblocks remain. I relate beautifully to animals. I'm also at my best when someone is sick and needs help. It's the day to day interactions that are the toughest. Where do I end, and where do they begin? It's hard building a self concept. That's why I started writing. I am now a person who writes things. Not necessarily pearls of wisdom....just things. I suspect that some of the others out there can relate to my feelings about the others out there.

I would actually prefer to be an observer of life. I would watch everyone going about their routines and would comment when appropriate. There would be limited interaction on my part. When I started feeling uncomfortable it would be back to the observation deck. Oh, did I not mention the deck? Sorry! Of course, I would have a booth for inclement weather. So I ask you, who needs reality shows....a contradiction in terms if you ask me. Reality is a show. It's right there. Don't pay for cable. Just go somewhere to find a large group of people and watch the dramas unfold. You'll see it all.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

To Thine Own Self

I am either cursed or blessed with the ability to know my own motivations. I cannot pretend that I am being nice or helpful, when I'm really being selfish and manipulative. Many people are able to pretend that they are doing things to benefit others when in fact, it is to satisfy their own needs. Luckily, it sometimes works out, and does benefit others. Many times it's disastrous. Take, for instance, religious fanatics. They answer to their higher authorities. Sometimes their higher authorities tell them to fly planes into buildings and kill as many of the "evil ones" as possible. They often gladly kill themselves in the process in order to reap their rewards in heaven. I wonder if they really examined their motivations if it would get down to this.....I'm screwed up, frustrated, and hurting. I need to do something terrible so I'll feel better. In order to justify this act I need a false sense of identity. Oh yeah, religion, that'll work !
My motivations are almost always to get love and approval. Although, I don't want too much love. Don't deserve sir !! Just enough to keep me afloat. I have to validate my own existence by making sure everyone around me is happy with me. Not necessarily happy, just happy with me. Hard work. That's why sometimes I want to go live in the Northwest Territories. I like the cold and the idea of isolation. Of course then I wouldn't have a sense of myself without the feedback. You know, if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears etc. If I live in the woods and no one hears. Same deal.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Day to Day

Here is the sequel to my unread first blog. Soon to be unread on a screen near you. I'm at work and really shouldn't be doing this. I have other things to do, but not nearly as enticing as this blog site. I am a middle aged person. That came out of nowhere, like most of my thoughts lately. Late middle aged, not early. I'm a card carrying AARP member, and proud of it! Funny though, I feel like a child. Not always, but usually. Is this the "norm" for late middle agers? I doubt it. There aren't many things I feel that seem like the norm. Who knows? For instance, has anyone else ever been acutely aware that we are all living on a sphere in the middle of the universe? Of course we all learned this in elementary school, but I took it a step further. Actually, I developed vertigo after hearing it and had trouble keeping my balance for quite awhile. Just a small insight into my madness. Can anyone relate?
Let me know. Insanity loves company (at least my type of insanity does). Another phase I went through was this passage of time thing. It was upsetting to realize that you could never exactly repeat what you had done a few minutes ago. You might try, but that time had passed. Things change every nanosecond. This fact tormented me for quite awhile. These things were all before sixth grade. I later got into medical worries (heart attacks, aneurysms, etc). Then finally it all came legitimately together as the fear of insanity, which obviously was well founded. Anyway, I find that writing about all this and sharing it with my non-readers is quite enjoyable and amusing. Now tell me.....IS THAT NORMAL ?? This was fun, let's do this again soon !!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Illusion of Sanity

Ok...I feel as though I should say hello to everyone (although most probably no one is even aware of this post except for myself ). Nevertheless...I will say hello so as not to offend anyone who may at some point accidentally wander onto this site and bring up my blog. I have recently started writing in order to hold on to some semblance of sanity....and I do mean semblance (or maybe semblence). Throughout my life I have battled anxiety and depression. I have also dabbled in some addictive behavior. There have been three visits to psychiatric hospitals (and I don't mean three hour tours)! This is not stated in a self-pitying kind of way. I have certainly had my share of good fortune too. The point is, I have always gotten through by keeping my sense of humor. It is not always easy to laugh, and is quite often inappropriate, but that doesn't stop me. This is not to say that there is anything funny about tragic situations...of course not. They will happen. It's the time in between...seize the moments, seconds, whatever. It's all we have. Anyway, I will continue to post stuff. Feel free to visit and share.