Thursday, August 24, 2006


I have created a monster. I just had to make this entry as I sit here (after midnight) being tormented by my spoiled rotten dog. Don't get me wrong, I love her. She was in a couple previous posts along with her picture. She was a shelter dog. Someone had left her tied to a pole in a parking lot. She was taken to the not-so-humane association and was adopted by my partner and I six months later. She has bitten both of us and nipped at some children. She has eaten money, books, tissues and pens. She does not listen at all, and would throw us to the wolves while protecting herself. Yet, she is undeniably cute and we love her. We have had her for several years. She is up in age now (anywhere from 13 to 15). She is a little nicer and very spoiled. I see her as my special needs dog. She has behavioral issues that seem to be fear based. In my effort to comfort her, I give her lots of attention and good treats. She sleeps about 16 hours a day and torments the humans for the remaining eight. It's especially bad after 10:00PM. She keeps whining for treats and attention. She doesn't like me using the computer either. Sometimes she tries to knock my hand off of the keyboard. She would like to dictate when I go to bed, but I usually defy her. I have to draw the line somewhere. I know this is all my fault and I have probably broken every dog training rule. It's really ok though because it's a fun kind of torment. I know we understand and love each other in our own twisted ways. Isn't that much like any relationship? I think Sophie (my dog) agrees. She just gave me a very loving look...or was it a glare? Oh well, doesn't matter.

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