Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One Good Thing

Getting older sucks....physically. However, some things seem to be a little better (at least for me). I don't sweat the small stuff anymore. You know, those little things that used to be a big deal when you were younger. I don't really care how I look, as long as I'm clean. I'm definitely not a slave to fashion. Also, I can sometimes laugh at my inadequacies. I don't embarass easily either. That's a good thing, because I'm an airhead and a klutz ...a combination that leads to sitcom like situations when I'm out in public. For instance, there was the time that I was waiting in line to pay for a cappuccino that I had already sipped. I thought people were smiling at me because they were exceptionally friendly that day. Not the case. They were actually laughing because my sipped cappuccino had gotten on my mouth, chin, and tip of my nose. I looked like I was wearing foamy clown makeup. No one pointed this out to me. I had to discover it on my own when I looked into my rear view mirror. Oh well, no big deal. Today, I was standing in line at the custard stand, which should have been embarassing enough (I'm not exactly thin). Well, little did I know there were three little produce stickers on my t-shirt. I had on a dark t-shirt so the little white stickers stood out very nicely. I had just come from the super market, so they must have come off of the red peppers (#4088). Just par for the course.
Luckily I'm not trying to impress anyone. I, personally am impressed that I can still find my way home!

1 comment:

Thats my little secret... said...

I know exactly where you're coming from.
Age/wisdom has taught me to let go and laugh at myself.
I'm always doing little things that embarrass my kids, and I try to teach them how my life has changed so much for the better since I long ago stopped caring what other people think about me.
It's a sense of freedom!