Monday, January 17, 2005

Compulsively Yours

As I sit here eating way too much of a good thing (soy nuts, sunflower seeds and dried cranberry mix), my mind drifts to my favorite subject: psychological disorders. As if the thinking and analyzing will somehow take care of the problem. Although I must say, it does help me to have somewhat of a handle on the situation. I think most of us are a mixture of various disorders ranging from mild to really, really, severe. My particular mixture seems to be mostly BPD (borderline personality disorder) with a heaping helping of panic anxiety, one cup of depression, and a dash of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). Bring to a boil and let simmer for 55 years and ..Voila !! Here I am. I can be quite enjoyable with a nice red wine (about a gallon). Still and all (whatever that means), I am lucky. I love to laugh. Feel free to laugh with me, at me, whatever. Laughter ties us all together and brings out our beauty. I think it's one of the best sounds you can hear.

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