Saturday, January 08, 2005


I have these recurring dreams about miniature things. Not inanimate things. I mean living things that are very tiny. Most of the miniatures are people, but occasionally a dog or cat is thrown into the mix. The miniatures range in size from about two inches high to two feet or so. All but one of the miniatures were harmless. The evil one resembled Chuckie from Child's Play. He had myself and a few of my co-workers trapped in a Baskin Robbins store and was demanding a continuous supply of ice cream. Maybe I wanted to be that miniature...who knows? The miniatures cover the entire spectrum of ages and ethnicities. One miniature had Down Syndrome. I'm always very careful when handling my dream miniatures because they are all very fragile. I suppose this could be interpreted as my fear of relationships with others. Whatever. It really doesn't matter. Even if I figure out the meaning (if indeed there is a meaning), I will still have these dreams. Just venting. If anyone wishes to voice their opinion on this..or if you too have miniature dreams..let me know!! We'll talk. Till next time...

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