
Here's my latest ailment. Yes, that's my left eye. I tried like hell to avoid catching a cold at work because I had scheduled a Florida trip on Memorial Day. I was going to visit my niece, her husband, and their two babies (one brand new). Well, I contracted this yucky conjunctivitis (first time ever). This is the viral kind which lasts one or two weeks. I couldn't have gotten the bacterial which responds to antibiotics in two or three days. Nope, not me, I go for the big guns. The added bonus to all this is I get to look so much more attractive than usual. Who could resist this eye? Oh well, it could be a lot worse. The thing is, it makes you feel kind of "unclean". I really do have excellent hygiene. It's the least I can do to make the world a little cleaner. I guess there's no avoiding certain things. The good news is, it's not transmitted through blogging, so feel free to read. Although, I can't promise that you won't be bored!!
Tough break!
Hope you get better soon.
Sorry that ruined your plans. I get the bacterial kind every now and then, but it hurts so much I can't see to take a picture, let alone type, nor even drive to get meds. Someone else has to take me.
"Conjunctivitis" aka "Pink Eye" is highly contagious, lives on surfaces a while, which is why preschools, etc clean and lysol all surfaces, doorknobs, lightswitches, etc....besides separate towels... Sometimes, it just can't be helped and you're zapped. Feel better soon!
BTW, found you via Blog Explosion
Thanks for your input polar bear and green-eyed lady. I'm glad you both found my blog and took the time to wish me well !!
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