Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Brief Summary of 2008

It was an eventful year. I came close to having a breakdown, but got somewhat better. I still walk the tightrope, as always. Healthwise, my Lyme disease is under control. My gallbladder was removed last June. My loved ones are all holding steady, including my disagreeable, elderly dog. I'm still fat and have no taste in clothing. My sense of humor is intact (very important). I still want to make money online, but have not started anything new. Anyhow, Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2009 brings better times for all of us!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Gots a New Attitude

Today is the day. Today, December 14th 2008 is my day of change. I will not take on everyone else's problems. I am not them! It's not my fault if they don't get along. It's on them. So there!!
Take that....and that....and that too. Hey....who wrote that? Surely not me. Not this wimp. Well, we'll see, won't we? Or not.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Hurt, hurt, and more hurt

I live through others. I feel through others. Make no mistake, it is torture. Empathy can be a good quality, feeling trapped in others' feelings is hellish. I know that it's part of my illness, this low/no self esteem thing that I have. I feel that I am responsible for every one's happiness. I don't want to be the "bad one". I feel that it's all my fault if they don't get along. The pain is sometimes unbearable. Then I get furious at the ones doing the hurting. I mean, how could they? Don't they see that we're all suffering in some way? Don't they know how important it is for us to comfort each other? We are all delicate. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and tolerate each other's short comings.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One Month....Not to the Day

Funny thing, yet not so funny. When we're miserable we're more "real" for lack of a better word. I say we, because I see this all the time. Funerals, hospitals, other sad occasions. I guess maybe I'm overstating the obvious. I'm sure most of us know this. The sad times are the times when you focus on the important things. The connections. Your connection with yourself and others. When your miserable you need to connect. You need the comfort and support. In better times we take so much for granted. The times have been a little better for me. The misery has not been as intense. That is a good thing, but I must continue to connect and not forget what is most important.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


When a month goes by with no entry it usually means things are pretty good. I had stabilized and a pleasant 2 1/2 on the misery scale. For me, that's fabulous. However, two days ago I plunged to a 5, for no apparent reason. Today I have been at a 4 1/2. Physical? Mental? No good answer. I'm still waging the same war, so who's the enemy????

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Plodding Along

Misery scale is steady at 3. I go from day to day hanging on to my semblance of sanity. I haven't sobbed in a couple of weeks. There have been very brief periods of anxiety, but they have been manageable. Viva la deplin.....maybe.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh, But It's Been Too Long

It's been 6 days since my last post (obviously). I've been between 3 and 3 1/2 which is ok. I just switched to the generic version of my paxil cr. I hope it's as effective and the brand name. You never know. I hope I'm effective! Anyhow, I holding steady/shaky and I'm sort of glad. I want to be better though, but I can't be too greedy right now. Slow and steady is alright as long as it's in a positive direction.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Friday Night....Late

Holding steady at a 3 (for the most part). I was a little shaky this morning, but it wasn't terrible.
Let's see what tomorrow brings (it's only 22 minutes away).

Monday, September 01, 2008

See Me in September

Well, September has started with a 3 on the misery scale. Hope I'm not in for a "fall"....get it??
Not so funny, but still an improvement. My goal is to be able to enjoy the people I love. Is that so much to ask? Huh?? I don't have to be rich or famous. I don't need power or control. I just want to make nice memories. I also want to be able to play video poker, but that's not "in the cards" right now. Get it?? "In the cards." Just so, so funny.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Onward and (possibly) Upward

The last couple of days have been a steady 3. No dips, so that's pretty good. My sense of humor has partially returned so I am somewhat optimistic. I can handle this. I'll try not to rock the boat.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not Bad...yet Not Good

I'm still feeling better, but not too steady. I mean, I crawled to the edge of the abyss, but I don't have such a great foothold. The misery rating for today is 3 1/4. Still ok. I keep crawling until I can walk.

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Bit Brighter

Yesterday and today have been a semi-comfortable 2 3/4 on the misery scale. I'll take it!!!
Some mild angst with a trace of inner peace. The best it's been in weeks. Is it the deplin? Is it the paxil? Is it the cosmos? Whatever...something is different. My life hasn't changed and there have been no epiphanies. Must be chemical. Oh well, I'll ride the wave. I'm buying a round of zero misery for everyone. It's on me. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Yes, I've been a yuck on the misery scale for the past two days. That's about a 4 1/2. Nothing new with the deplin yet. However, a nice person gave me feedback about the deplin. Thanks, you have inspired me to be patient and give it a chance to work. Anyhow the misery pattern has changed making the evenings more uncomfortable. This is new, and not too welcome but wtf.
Sometimes a good sob helps. I feel like sobbing quite often now. That's not the worst thing in the world. Sobbing and pinot noir, maybe that's the answer.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Me again....well who else would it be?

Today fluctuated between a 3 and 4. It's my 4th day on deplin, my new med. It's a form of folic acid, supposed to enhance how the paxil works. No change yet. I wonder about my supposedly cured lyme disease. Not enough is known about the disease. Well, no choice but to fight the battle. Right now, I'm a 4 (moderate misery). Although, I must admit, I might be getting slightly better week by week. I want to think that is it is! Well, I'm going to check out some meditation techniques. Maybe that will help. Bye for now.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Little Tough

Misery scale rating today is a 4 so far. Last night was a 2 1/2. Nice. Maybe I had to pay for it this morning. Well, I'll muddle through, as always. I'll look for the funny, and the beautiful.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What's My Status Gladys?

Yesterday was a 3, not too shabby. Today was a 4, climbing to a 5. Rough afternoon. Almost a panic attack, but not full blown. I'm exploring the possibility of sugar and carbs causing some of these panics, as weird as that may seem. They seem to happen after sweet and starchy meals. Hmmm. I'm not crazy, I just need a balanced diet. Yeah, there's the ticket. Well, ya never know. All the dysfunction in my life had nothing to do with my present situation. Hah! Now, how could that be true? I guess I'll never really know.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Four Day Update

The last 4 days were 3's and 4's. Same old stuff. I started a new medication today. Well, actually an old medication with a different name. It's a short term anxiety med. A benzo. Been there, done that, but I'm a different person now. I know too much and can't combine it with shots of bourbon anymore. Let me rephrase that....I won't combine it with shots of bourbon. It used to be a recipe for fun. Now, it's a recipe for disaster. Well, so far the pill hasn't worked. I probably need my old dose which was 75 times the prescribed dosage. I have quite an active nervous system. Oh well, I'll keep trying. Maybe a cattle prod will be next.

Monday, August 04, 2008

So, so day

Today was a 3 3/4 dropping to a 3 by mid-afternoon. Not as bad as yesterday. Right now I'm watching "The New Adventures of Old Christine." I thinks it's a rerun, but maybe not. I don't think it matters. Anyhow, we'll see what tomorrow brings. A new refrigerator, for one thing. The rest is a mystery. What will the misery be?? Stay tuned and see. Is anyone tuned? Like the "Old Christine" reruns...I don't think it matters.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

And for today....

Today I've hit a 4 on the misery scale. I wasn't aiming for it, I just kind of woke up that way. Usually the day gets better, today did not. Who's to say why? Nothing is different. Just my usual funk. I have deficits. I've had them since I was a kid. When I was 19 my head blew open like a big pinata. I've never been the same. Oh well. This week I see my shrink. Maybe there's a magic potion. Shake a rattle over me and cure me. Gone are the valium and bourbon days. They served their purpose. Let's see what's next.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Misery scale rating this morning...................3 3/4. Yes folks, a little more miserable than 3 1/2. I walk around with this "edge of madness" feeling. Not pretty, not pretty at all. However, not as ugly as some things. Lots on my crazy mind. Small problems seem big, bigger problems seem tremendous. Everything hits hard. I guess you could say I'm a tad bit emotional. What do the shrinks call it? Lability?? Whatever.... I plod on and on in search of beauty and humor.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30th

I'm at a 3 or 4 today. Some depression, moderate anxiety. I'm tryin' though.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Today is a 3 - 4. I am immature. That is today's statement. I feel immature, and I don't like this feeling. I don't know what I want. I just feel tantrum-like. I don't know if anyone else can understand this. It happens to me quite often. I'm very child-like, but not usually in a good way. I need to take control of situations and feel more like an adult. This is a big problem for me. No wonder I'm miserable. You can't be an older adult and have childish needs . I know this. They say knowing is half the battle. Personally, I think it's one tenth of the battle (at best). The other nine tenths are on the front lines. A real bitch.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Last three days

I've been holding steady at a 3 1/2 on the misery scale. This morning I woke up with the familiar knot in my stomach, but it has since gone away. I can deal with this. I'm hoping it will decrease from this level, but I can't expect too much. I'm trying to learn to like myself. I could sooner learn nuclear physics. Anyhow, I continue to plod along (like so many of us). All the best to my fellow sufferers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Good night....mediocre day

Last night I was down to a 2 folks...yes, a 2. Slight angst, but not bad at all. I was having some fun. I was with family that I don't see enough. I adore them, and was able to feel it. A breath of fresh air I tell ya. Then....there was this morning, a 4 at best. Moderate misery, once again. That old, all-too-familiar feeling. So, so, tiring. I will see the family again tonight. I'm hoping for a boost. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Day After

Not as bad as yesterday. Maybe a 4 with a dash of migraine. I'm thinkin' about medication changes. I've already started diet changes. I'm looking for solutions. I want to be capable of enjoying life. I want to be a grown up with the strength to take care of myself. Not so easy for me. I know I must be proactive in this struggle. I can do more, I know it.

Monday, July 21, 2008


This morning is a 7 on the scale. Much misery. Empty, sobbing, the whole package. I'm going for help today. I must learn to manage these things, but how? I try not to wallow in self-pity, but it's tough. So much never-ending hurt and anger. It just never ends. My insides are twisted up like a pretzel. Well, enough about me. Oh yeah, this is about me. Strike that statement. Anyhow, I'm depressing me. Gotta go now.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Double Entry Today

Didn't have a chance to enter my misery yesterday. It varied throughout the day from a 3 to a 5. By evening I was tired enough to sleep pretty well. This morning I'm at about a 3 1/2, that's OK for now. I hope I can get it down to a 2. That would be nice. I don't want to ask for too much and set myself up for disappointment. Have a pleasant day everyone (or anyone). Look to the "0" (zero)...ironically the highest achievement on my newly invented misery scale.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Better morning. 3 to 4 on the misery scale, which today is light to moderate. Not bad. Yesterday picked up a good bit throughout the day. Dare I be cautiously optimistic? Dare I? We'll see, won't we?

Thursday, July 17, 2008


This morning is not far. The misery scale is at 5 to 6. Burning skin etc. I will push through the day and check in later. Sometimes there's a little reprieve shortly after I wake up. Maybe that will happen. I'll try to make it happen. Bye for now.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today....I'm 4.

I'm just thinking that this misery scale can be very boring. However, I must report that today, so far, I am a 4. That is, moderate misery with only a slight feeling of going totally insane. Not too shabby considering the previous two days. I'm "hangin in" as they say. Oh...and the weather today is hot and humid. I might as well report on other things. By the way, does anyone else wake up some mornings feeling like their skin is on fire? Just checking. Have a nice day everyone, and may your misery scales be at 0.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday, July 15th

The misery rating for today (so far) is 5. Moderately scary. I am somewhat anxious and have a slight knot in my stomach. I'm alternating from feeling angry to feeling like crying. I think I can function today, although not comfortably. That's ok. Functioning is key. I ate decently this morning, even though I wasn't hungry. I hope that it helps my mental/emotional state. Anyhow, maybe I will report in later if there's time. For now, onward and hopefully, upward!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Misery Scale

I am creating an emotional "barometer" if you will. It will be called The Misery Scale (thus the title of this post). It may sound a bit depressing and pessimistic, but it works for me. The scale will be from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst. It will go from only slight misery (1) to horrific panic and despair (10), with 2 to 9 being various levels of misery. Today was an 8 bordering on 9, pretty bad, but not the worst. I am presently at a 6 which I would consider moderate anxiety and despair. I'm hoping one day to change this to the happiness scale, but right now it wouldn't be appropriate. I do, however, have that as my goal. If anyone reading this wants to join in on the misery scale feel free to share. After all, misery loves company.


Huge panic attack today. It has now subsided, but the after shocks continue. Those who have had panic attacks might understand. Depression and depletion always follows. It is my fault. I had 3 cups of coffee this morning. I couldn't get away with it, not this time. When someone else is having an attack I can comfort them and tell them that it will pass. When I am having one, I know it is the end. I will either die, or end up in a hospital. It's always a horror. Now it's the depression and the anger. Anger at myself, anger at the hand I was dealt. I know there are so many who are worse off, but this is my lot in life. I really do want to enjoy life. I want to like myself. How much of this is physiological? I need to do more to help myself. I'm in my late fifties and enough of this misery. There are things down the road that I have to face with courage. This condition makes me feel terribly weak, and I hate it. Only I can help this, I know. It's a war within. I have to keep fighting.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

As if

As if I could change anything. I wake up with a feeling of despair. There are things I cannot control. Almost everything, actually. I try to change things, but in the end they do what they are going to do. I can only change me...or can I? Would I just be pretending to change? Maybe pretending is the reality of change. Fake it til you make it? Do you ever make it? Some seem to make it, others not. We all just want to feel ok. Don't we? Feeling ok can be a monumental task though. Just ask me. Feeling ok is just acceptance I guess. Don't really know. What a fragmented post this is. What a fragmented person I am. I'll try to do better, whatever that is.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Lemon Cake

I bought a package of Betty Crocker lemon cake mix today. It was on sale. I will make it tonight. I become very stressed trying to follow recipes. Even if I only have to add an egg, I know it will be the wrong sized egg. One cup of water they say. What if I lose a drop? Such pressure. My baking friends say, "It's not rocket science ya know." Rocket science would be easier. I will worry until the cake is done. This worry will replace all of my other worries tonight. It's an easier worry, that's why it's therapeutic. There is some sense in this. If life gives me lemons, I give life Betty Crocker lemon cake. Then I take a pill.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Time for a Post

Hi my little bloggie. I haven't made an entry in a month. Too, too, long. I've been busy with my many exercises in futility. Even after stopping the Abilify three weeks ago, my sense of humor is not back. Not even a little. I have what my psychiatrist called "the blahs". I've had a couple of months of these blahs. I know I should try to combat these things, as they compromise my quality of life. I'm hoping the writing will help. It always has in the past. I am immature and self-indulgent. There it is. I don't think others necessarily see me that way, but I know it to be true. I'm also really self-critical, which would be ok if I made some changes. However, I go around the same circles over and over again. I need to change. It is my responsibility. I need to do better. I will try. I will also try to like myself more. Then, maybe, I can be a better person and friend. We'll see. I wish I could start laughing again (but not too much, that would be crazy).

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Abilify Blues

Haven't had the desire or energy to blog lately. I think the Abilify has totally blocked out all motivation. I'm on half the dose right now. Still lacking in feeling for just about anything. I also have a cold. No joy in Mudville today. Oh well, at least I can type out a few sentences. I WANT MY SENSE OF HUMOR BACK!! Nothing's funny right now.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Why Do I Run?

When I was a kid I had a favorite cousin. She was soft spoken, nice, and probably a genius. She graduated college at 16 and med school at 21. She spent most of her short life doing cancer research. The radiation they used in those days probably killed her. She died at 36 from some kind of lymphoma. She gave me a medical dictionary that I have to this day. In the midst of all the noise in my house, she would sit down and talk to me, and actually listen when I answered. The thing is, every time she came to visit I would run upstairs to hide. I loved her, but I would hide. It was too much to bear. The phrase "I'm not worthy" comes to mind. What made me hide? In my child's mind I could not verbalize the feelings. Now I know. I'm just not good enough. If I feel that people really care about me, I get scared. If I really care about them I get scared. It looks bad for an adult to run and hide, but that's what I do. I hide, and then hate myself for hiding. When I finally do see these people, I try so,so, hard to please that I am exhausted. I want them to love me, but I don't want them to need anything from me. This is because deep, deep, down I feel that I am nothing. Intellectually, I tell my self otherwise, but the emotions haven't changed. That's why I fall apart. What can I hold onto within myself? Self hatred is hard to change. All the affirmations in the world offer little help for me. Well, life constantly changes, maybe I can continue to fight the current. We'll see.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sponge Bob and Me

Macy's had a one day sale. Let's all cheer. Shoes that were made in Bangladesh for 4 cents and sold for $120.00 were only $75.00. Way to go Macy's. I myself, had to go to the Womens' section. Yeah, you know, the BIG girls. They call them women. Are the little skinny ones women too? Well...yes, but they are petite. Some of us, like me, are "petite" women. That means we are square. The women's clothes that fit us in the waist are too long. The petite clothes are the right length (sometimes), but are tight in the middle. The women on my mother's side were all square. Short little square Russian women. They all wore housecoats, so it didn't matter. They never went out anywhere, they just took care of the men folk. I like to wear loose fitting stretchy things. Walmart is just fine with me. There are many other square ones that shop at Walmart. It's cheap, and caters to the square, non-dressy people. Macy's is another story. They like the shapely people. Don't get me wrong, there are many shapely Walmart shoppers, but there are also square sections that go by the name of "Womens' Petite". Anyhow, I tried on about 3,754 pairs of pants....well maybe 6 or 7, but that was discouraging enough. The tops fit in the stomach, but were too long. The usual problem. So as I sit here typing this in my size 18 stretchy capri jeans (which almost reach my ankles), I think I'll wear my Walmarts to the sushi place tonight. I have some really nice earrings that I got at Macy's today. The earrings fit perfectly!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Point of Reference

What is it really like to feel "fine"? When people are physically ill we can clearly see that they are not fine. People with emotional and/or mental problems are not always so obvious in their not-so-fine-ness. You have your severely depressed, who can't get out of bed. You also have your screaming maniacs who are just stark raving mad. Then there are the others. The ones that function from day to day and seem "just fine." They wear the mask. Those are the people that have lived with a certain degree of emotional pain all their lives. I don't mean the normal ups and downs that most people have. I mean moderate to severe angst. How do I know this? I consider myself to be a moderate to severe angst person. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's not easy. You may argue that most people don't have it easy. No, they don't, but the "average" person is emotionally equipped to handle the ups and downs of everyday life without crumbling. Having played the violin, I can offer this analogy. The "E" string is the thinnest and most tightly wound string. It has the highest pitch. You should always have plenty of E strings because they break all the time. They can't take as much stress as the other strings. It's also the hardest string to play without scratching or making a horrible noise. I am an E string. I break frequently. There is not a spare me. I can make some nice music sometimes, but I could break at any time. People can't tell how I feel, even if I try to explain. My actions tell them otherwise. It's like learning to walk on a broken leg. After several years you can mask the limp really well. I live for beautiful moments. I never forget the beautiful days. The last time I had a panic free day was May of 1989. I was on a boat, and was completely relaxed. It was amazing. I basically live for moments (as I've said before). Moments of "fineness" mixed in with hours of moderate anxiety. Some days there is severe anxiety. That pretty much sums up my "fineness". I can't speak for anyone else, and they really can't speak for me. So, how is everyone today??? Fine, I hope!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

As Predicted....

The misery has lessened! Nature, nurture, chemicals, ..who knows? Not me, that is certain. I'm back to my abnormal state of kind of. Kind of depressed, kind of panicky, kind of ok. Maybe even a little better than that, thanks to my new BFF, Abilify. I took the Abilify plunge (as previously stated ad nauseum). My mood lifted enough for me to finish my kitchen floor. I bought one of those glueless, interlocking floors for a very cheap price. The floor looks pretty good. I made more than a few mistakes (as always), but none that I can't almost cover up. Anyhow, things are somewhat better. Sometimes I feel a little overly animated and chatty, but I was that way before the Abilify. I asked friends and loved ones to inform me if I start acting crazier than usual. No red flags so far. Well, that's all for now. I'll write more when I feel a little less shallow.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Status Quo

I've been feeling better. Isn't that a relief? I know my reader(s) were waiting for me to turn the corner (ha-ha). I apparently live in a circle, so there are no corners to turn. I just make trips around the circumference. Some trips are slower than others. This one was quick. Still lookin' for that straight line. Maybe they'll come up with a medication that will really improve your self esteem, instead of just giving the illusion of better self esteem. Would it make a difference? Is there a difference? Anyhow, these are the things that we will ponder on this episode of "My Wild, Wacky, Yet Somehow Boring Adventures."
Please tune in to my next episode, especially if you have insomnia!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lighten Up Already!

The title was addressed to me (who else?). I've been gloomy and doomy for the past week. Nervous breakdowns will do that to you. Well, I think I should mix in a little levity with the heaviness. Maybe I'll call it heavity. For example- it's a little sad that I feel so infantile at these times, however I really did enjoy watching The Backyardigans. Boy can they dance!! There you go....heavity. That's a perfect description of my life. Lot's of gloom mixed with humor. Gloomor.
I'm sure these new words would describe lots of peoples' lives. Do the dictionary people pay for these kinds of things? If so, I'm claiming these as my words!

Monday, March 10, 2008

It's a New Week

Better morning. Not too much burning skin stuff. I took my second dose of abilify. I feel no difference, which so far, is a good thing. I detect a little optimism in my mood. I like that, I like it alot!! A little is better than none (overstate the obvious). I gave my blog address to close family and friends. Even though this is my not-so-personal diary, I worry that they will worry. I want to write this as if I'm free to express anything I'd like. That having been said.....close friends and family. Do not worry. I've been riding this coaster for 50 some years. If anything defines who I am, it's about the ride. I don't know if that even made sense, I hope it did. Blame it on the abilify, the planets. Hell, blame it on Rio (remember that movie?). Anyway, it's nice to imagine interacting with all of you. The next ride will leave shortly.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


This morning wasn't as torturous as yesterday morning. I still have the underlying fear and despair, but I was able to function. I even went to the supermarket. I finally, finally, took the abilify this morning. Yes, I broke the ice. Actually, I don't feel any different....I think. Seeing as nothing scary happened, I will take tomorrow's dose. Japanese proverb- Fall Down 7 Times, Stand Up 8.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Still Saturday

It's afternoon now. I'm feeling a bit better right now; still exhausted, but less agitated. I found a really nice web site called Daily Strength. It has support groups for lots of physical and mental ailments. There are tons of features. I will put a button for the site on the blog. It's not an advertisement, just a recommendation. There is no money involved. Anyhow, my eyes are closing as I write this. I bore me!!


I'm not going on the planned trip. The decision was both relieving and depressing. I wouldn't have been able to interact well with anyone. It would have just added more stress to my already stressed out system. I am torn between trying to be strong and pampering myself. Last night I was very relieved and almost felt ok. This morning sucks. It's kind of, it is torturous. Exhausted feeling, very depressed, burning skin anxiety that at times feels unbearable. I so want to feel better. I try to keep moving. When I sit, the feelings overwhelm me. When I move, I break out into a sweat. I didn't think I could get back to this low level. Surprise, surprise. Later, I will take an abilify. Throw caution to the wind. What the heck.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Blog Has New "Slant"

This blog has now become my daily "breakdown" diary. Also, I can't help but notice how much I like to use quotes. The morning has been tough, like it always is during these times. I got out of bed, had a tiny bit of coffee, and then walked my dog. I felt more and more anxious during the walk home. By the time I got to the door, the burning skin/despair feeling had returned. I didn't have too much of that yesterday, it was a better day (at this point). I'm getting closer to making a decision about a trip to see my family. We're driving, and it's a two day trip. I keep changing my mind. When I feel a little better, I think I can make it. When I feel worse, I know I can't make it. If I stay home, I will be alone to deal with my demons. If I go, will I be able to interact with the children? If not, I'll feel like a burden on the family. Only I can decide. I have atarax for my anxiety, but I don't want to sleep the day away. Then again, maybe I need to sleep. When I started typing this, I felt agitated and was crying. Now I feel depressed, agitated and exhausted. It's infuriating. There are people all over the world in terrible physical shape. They can't walk the dog. They're in chronic pain. I guess it's the stigma of mental illness. It seems like self indulgence and laziness. I have to continually tell myself that it's an illness. A nasty illness. I tell other people that, it's true for me too. Anyhow, I'm fifteen minutes from the beach. If I don't take the atarax, I'll try to drive there. The ocean helps..always. Even if only a little. My heart goes out to fellow sufferers, no matter what the malady. Hang on.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Day After

Still here today. I took an atarax to sleep last night. Today was better. Not good, but better. I'll take it. Now, as I write, my skin is burning again. I guess the nerve endings are doing their little thing. I also have this exhaustion going on. The old agitated exhaustion I've come to know and hate. The abilify is waiting. I think it has followed me from the bedroom to the living room, but I'm not quite sure. Take me, take me, it says. My psychiatrist says so too. I will try it. Not tonight though. I'm alone in the house. No safety net tonight. I'll muddle through.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

This Day

The torture continues. I'd like to write and write and write somemore..until it gets better. Here it is. Looking back, I should have seen it coming. Even reading my posts, I should have known. Horrible feelings...these. Burning skin, agitation, exhaustion, loss of self. Loss of self is the worst. I thought I had more of a self. Then again, maybe it's physical, but I don't know. Whatever it is, it's torture. Will a medication help? I hope so. It's a familiar torture. Intellect vs. emotions. Don't let the emotions take charge. I must get through this. Only I can do this. I am determined!

No Answer, Just no answer

Will writing help? Maybe. I woke up a little shaky this morning. Usually it gets better. Today it hasn't. I feel awful right now. Anxious, depressed, all that stuff. I need to be an adult and cope with this. I feel like a hurt child. My oh my. It's a combination of physical and mental. I can feel it. I try to just breathe. Just breathe. Worst feelings I've had in years. Every day is different. Just hold on. Keep that sense of humor. Look for the good. Was it something I ate? Was it everything I ate?? Like the title, just no answer. I cry as I write this. For some reason I need to cry. Is there never ending hurt? I guess. Crying is good. Not too great in public, but ok now. Keep that burning desire to feel good. I know I have that. It's not obvious, but it's there, or I wouldn't be here. Writing does
help. I can feel it. Thanks blog. Thank-you fingers, mind, and heart. Thanks to whoever reads this, just for taking the time.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Don't Vilify The Abilify

I have a great psychiatrist. I mean she's everything you would want in a shrink. Knowledgeable, caring, smart, the whole package. Being a people pleaser, it's really tough for me to reject her suggestions. However, when it comes to psychotropic drugs, I am very resistant. I have tried many different medications for my disorder. Some worked, some didn't, some caused my fragile little world to collapse. When my world collapses, it is hellish! I have to then struggle to rebuild my psyche. Many times, I felt like it was "the end." I don't know if I could take another breakdown. I saw my doctor a couple of days ago. She knows things have been very difficult lately, and wanted me to supplement my paxil with abilify. It's a very small dose. The data says that it helps stabilize moods when taken with other antidepressants. I guess there have been some good results. This is all doctors have to go on, I understand this. Even if they tried each medication themselves, how would they know how each individual would react? Go to any medication website. You will hear the good with the bad. It doesn't help much. You can only know by trying the pills. The last time I had extreme anxiety, I took a pill that had worked in the past. For whatever reason, it did not work that night. Not only didn't it work, but I had a surreal, frightening feeling for the next two days. That was a small dose too. So, the abilify sits on my nightstand. When I'm in the midst of a panic (quite frequently this week) the pills start calling me (figuratively, of course). "Take one of us, we're only 2 mg, what can it hurt?" When the anxiety subsides, the little pills change their tune. "Take just one of us, and we'll push you the rest of the way off of your cliff; all the way down to insanity valley,where you'll never leave..ha,ha,haaaa." So this is my current dilemma. What to do. Well, I must decide....or not. Later this evening, if you hear a tiny explosion coming from a far corner of the universe, it may just be the sound of my soul shattering. Please, don't blame the abilify, it cannot perform miracles. If you see an ad, or hear another success story about the medication, please offer a moment of silence for those who were not "abilifiable".

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Scary Circle

The old expression, "We've come full circle." I guess it's kind of a neutral statement. As I sit here tonight, I'm wondering if I have indeed come "full circle" in not such a great way. Years ago, when I was in the music profession, I relied on valium and alcohol keep my anxiety at a tolerable level. Eventually I felt enough was enough and decided that I'd rather leave the profession than take this dangerous cocktail. Well, after I opened up the pinata that is my mind, I wondered if I had made the right decision. That was twenty-five years ago. I still wonder. I never went back to the heavy drinking and valium. I also never went back to music. No great loss to the music profession or myself. It's the daily struggles with life itself. I know I've said that it's worth it to be able to feel the good things too. Lately, the good feelings have been scarce. The scary, anxious feelings have been plentiful. Not fun. Tonight, I sit here with a glass of wine on my nightstand
(after having taken my paxil). The paxil is a daily thing, the wine is new for tonight. The fear and panic were a bit overwhelming today. I guess it's not quite full circle from the valium and alcohol days. I think I know too much at this point. It's hard to block out what you already know. Too late. I just need a little extra help to ride tonight's wave. I'm not very good at surfing. Panic beach has some huge, nasty, waves. Better to lie on the paxil/merlot blanket.


I'm depleted. It happens sometimes. Some say depressed, I say depleted. The depletion is mixed with anxiety, skin burning anxiety.
Extreme fatigue is also in the mix. Chemical?? Maybe, maybe not. I don't have much of a core,ego,whatever. It disappears easily. I'm writing now to preserve whatever little I have left. I could be physically sick, but I really couldn't say right now. Who knows? Not me. I've had a few jolts to my nervous system lately, I know they contributed to my depleted state. It doesn't take much. I have to try and rebuild. I can't afford to lose much more of me. There will be nothing left. Need to feed that soul. It starves sometimes.
Fat body, skinny soul. I could go on and on, but I'm boring me.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Would I Trade?

If I were to tell the story of my life some people might say, "What a shame."I would talk about a stressful childhood, nervous breakdowns, heavy drinking, alienation...on and on. I would tell about wasted talent (so I've been told), underachievment, terrible money management. So many negatives, or perceived negatives. Here's the catch though..I think I'm for real. I'm not saying I'm terrific, or wonderful, just for real. There is no pretense. I know this. I started looking inward at a very early age, thus the heavy drinking started. It was too painful at the time. Years later I started from the beginning, like an infant. Chronologically I was in my thirties, but emotionally I was an infant. Now in my fifties (late fifties at that), I'm still somewhat infantile, but I'm trying to grow. The growth is tough. I'd say more bad moments than good. I'm on medication, and probably couldn't function without it, but that's ok. I feel the emotional pain deeply, but on the other hand, I feel the joy and love deeply. There are just some things that touch the soul in a profound, beautiful, way. Children, friendship, beautiful music, animals, nature, all that "corny" stuff. Those wonderful moments I wouldn't trade for anything. I have those. Hours of misery for moments of joy. I guess there are some people that have the opposite, they are very fortunate. There are also people that seem to stay on the same, superficial level. They blot out the bad however they can, but they also give up the good. Now that's a shame! Personally, I'd rather have the trade-off. Most of the great works of art and literature were born of extreme angst. If you close the door, you close it to everything. Well, my door is wide open, who knows what may wander in next? I'll let you know.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Truth About Salsa Revealed!!

I feel that the time is right to discuss this very serious issue. I believe that the various companies that produce salsa have grossly misrepresented their products. I, for one, am incensed and outraged. This evening I decided to make one of my gourmet meals which involved blue corn chips, shredded cheddar cheese and "medium" salsa. Now, what medium means to me is a little spicy. Mild means almost no spice, and hot would mean really spicy.
Well, after I slaved under a hot microwave for 45 seconds, my masterpiece turned out to be inedible. That's right...inedible. My tongue burned with every bite. I had to toss out my beautifully presented dish. All gone, ruined by the evil salsa. In the aftermath of the incident a painful memory surfaced. Oh was the great salsa disaster of 1997. How could I have forgotton the searing pain, and the seemingly endless supply of water needed to control the situation. They must be stopped. The Ortega's, Pace's, Chi-chi's, and other salsa empires. Innocent tongues are being burned! I implore all of you...or you, or maybe just me, to put a stop to this madness. Anyhow, it's time for my meds. Have a nice day :).

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Please,please, don't let them open. One trauma after another lately. It's a shaky night for me tonight. I feel exhaustion, depression, apprehension, lots of bad stuff. Sad things are happening all around me. I absorb the sadness, it's just how I'm wired. I sit here grasping the edges of my little figurative raft just waiting for the storm to pass. Just hold on and wait. That's all I can do. I wish for healing for all concerned, myself as well. Hold on..and hope.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Listen to me.....just listen!

I call myself (and have been called) a chaos magnet. It sounds like a bad thing, but it's all in your perspective. I have this "aura" about me that seems to welcome other people's misery. I'm not trying to say that I'm some kind of martyr or anything. It's just that I've often had total strangers start talking to me about their problems. I once said "How are you?" to a toll booth guy. His answer was, "To tell you the truth, I'd be better off dead." I told him that I was sorry, then took off (as there was an entire line of cars behind me). One time I was looking at shoes in Penney's and a woman came up to me and said that she had a brain tumor and had about three weeks to live. We stood and talked for about an hour. She gave me her number, but I never called her. I probably should have, but I just couldn't. I used to think that people could sense my eagerness to please everyone, a trait that I consider self-serving. Maybe it's true, but it's ok. The bottom line is that people just want to be heard. They want to be valued. I guess people just sense that I will listen. The reasons why I listen don't matter to them, just that I'm listening. It's what we all want. Hey...did anybody hear me?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Saturday Night With Sophie

Thirty years ago Saturday night would be a party night. Now, it's just another night. It does, however, have a "feel" I should be doing something. Well, I am. Sophie (my dog) and I are having our little party right here at home. Sophie's even older than I am. She could be the equivalent of maybe 80 or 90 in people years. I read somewhere that it's not a straight 7 to 1 like previously thought. Sophie has just awakened from one of her many naps, and seems to be slightly bored. I say this because she just yawned (and couldn't possibly be tired). I was watching yet another UFO investigation on TV. Out of consideration for Sophie I switched to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. Sophie did seem to perk up at this, and looked particularly interested in a Newfoundland named "Cooper." Now, I can't be positive about this, but she did give me those vibes. Also, I think it's no coincidence that she waited until the commercial to go outside. All in all, it's been a successful Saturday night. It so beats the bar/party scene. Yup, two bitches on the sofa watching a bunch of bitches on TV. What could be better?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Right Foot

I must tell you, that right now I'm battling some anxiety...I think. It's in the form of racing thoughts and fatigue. Those of you that are familiar with anxiety disorder probably understand. Anyhow, I must keep my sense of humor. I will therefore write about my now amusing anxiety incident that took place in Macy's the other day. I went there to return this portable whirlpool mat that I had gotten for Christmas. Although the concept is nice, it just seemed like too much of a hassle to set it up in the tub. It was never used, so the thing was completely dry. The box looked a little raggy, but oh well. An old friend of mine made a sport out of returning things to stores. He could pretty much size up the sales people. There were those that didn't care, and there were those that loved wielding their authority. You could return half of a dress to those that didn't care and they wouldn't even notice. Well, I got one of the "other ones". She looked at the box suspiciously and said, "Why are you returning this?" I mumbled some lie about a friend being diabetic. I don't know why, I guess I was just on the defensive. She reluctantly gave me a store credit. Service with a smile. As I was walking away I became aware of my right foot. It felt like it was about to burst out of my sneaker. I just knew that the heart attack or stroke would hit at any time. There was no time to look at the pretty, overpriced, clothes (which I would never wear). I had to get to the car to check my foot.
I left the store scared and hyperventilating. Finally I got to my car, where I could have the illusion of safety. I took off my shoe and sock. Surprise, surprise, my foot looked normal. I think my sneaker was tied too tightly. Another crisis averted. A typical day in the life of a maniac. I guess it beats being bored.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Affiliate Aschmiliate

Oh man am I tired. It really exhausts me to persevere with something.(which is precisely why I have never really succeeded in anything...except not succeeding). I have been trying for two years. Of course, when I say trying, I mean at most two hours a week....or maybe one. See what I mean? Well, this is 2008, a new year and all that. This is the year I make my big effort. Hell, I might even work for two hours a day. Who knows? The ceiling's the limit. I haven't seen the sky in a while. I've had strep throat. Is the sky still there? Anyhow, just between the two of us (am I overestimating my readers?), I'd really like to make some money. If I find a secret to success, I will share. I worked for five hours today. I need the day off tomorrow (to assimilate today's information). I'll keep all of you (or you) apprised of my progress, or lack of, whichever applies. Hey...thanks for reading.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Back to Da Bloggin

I'm back after almost a year of not blogging....and the crowd roars.
Well, there's a crowd roaring somewhere. My wonderful niece inspired me to start blogging again. She started a blog which I will try and link to (once I've learned this new and easier editing stuff). Anyhow it's been quite a year. Oh, I'm still crazy of course. Need you ask??? little imaginary blog audience. No, you needn't. It's still been the emotional roller coaster, as always. The tracks have had some minor repairs, but it's still not safe. I try not to stand up on the ride and always keep my seat belt fastened. Let's see.. I've laughed, cried, had viruses, was treated for Lyme Disease, and threw up on one occasion. I made a half-hearted attempt at affiliate marketing too. I have terrible fashion sense and love to wear sneakers. What else??? Oh yeah, I still don't have a solid "sense of self" and try ridiculously hard to please and entertain everyone. I love animals, and someday hope to bring peace to the middle east (that would be the middle eastern part of New Jersey). It's great to be back in my cyberspace home. Visit anytime. The place is always a mess!